Most people want prosperity, health, success, love and achievement. Often they make a sacrifice in their spiritual life to attain these things. Often when they attain these things they still feel there is something missing. Then they might give up everything they have attained to go on a spiritual quest to discover that missing link. I have lived the shadow aspects of both paths; impulsively chasing the desires planted in me from society and parents, as well as escaping from life to chase after spiritual achievement. I have discovered that the beneficial essence of these paths can be integrated in our day to day life; meaning we truly can have it all. There is a way to simultaneously be liberated from insatiable desire, and still honor the divine desires that are there for us to fulfill our purpose in life. We can live in the bliss of surrender and achieve great things through deep commitment and aligned action. We can simultaneously live a life of prosperity, health, well-being, success in alignment with our purpose, be in divine partnership, and experience deeper states of illumination and joy. We can be in the world and not of it. We can transform whatever circumstance that we are in to create a thriving life. The integration and synthesis of all aspects of ourselves and our most optimal life is a choice.
Before the Sendai earthquake, even though I was showing up as an impactful spiritual teacher and healer, I was out of balance in that I was allowing my own individualistic ambition to predominantly guide my journey. Right after the earthquake I was also out of balance because I completely surrendered my power to the winds of life to guide me. Now I am discovering the integration of divine surrender and divine will. As conscious Creators we get to be participants in the facilitation of Creation. It is an honor that comes when we demonstrate a degree of surrender and humility, and then step up to play our unique role in creation.
What is your highest planetary leadership position?
Do you accept your highest role?
Will you commit to it?
More than ever before, humanity needs heart-based individuals like you to step more fully into your true power and sovereignty. I believe that getting help at times from others and community is important, and also want to emphasize that a consistent personal daily practice of enhancing your ability to access the wisdom of your heart will be most useful in guiding you along your path. Your daily practice will take you through levels of transformation and blossoming into a more embodied Self. Eventually your daily practice will become your way of life, and it will become more effortless to live a gratitude and bliss filled life that continually becomes more rewarding. More than any technique or magical ceremony, it is simply your own inner heart light that will emanate out and bring in the people, opportunities, and experiences that will allow you to live a successful and fulfilled existence. Your role in the world will continually become more clear and you shall experience incredible support as you take your place in this great period of accelerated collective awakening.
No matter how much work you have done on ourselves or how evolved you are, you will likely still continue to get triggered and experience the ‘curveballs’ of life. It is my experience that absolute commitment to reach your highest potential will give you the momentum to continually have efficient breakthroughs when challenges emerge. Other times, you may simply have ‘off-days’ where you feel fatigued or moody. Or you may be triggered and have an old wound you thought was resolved come back up. That’s ok, even though you may be a reincarnated Master here to bring progress to humanity, you are also human and are not here to be absolutely perfect. Committing to embracing your own humanity is the balancing act of the first commitment that will keep you from being too harsh on yourself and your weaknesses. This commitment will allow you to transform self-judgment and perfectionism into a compassionate state that actually facilitates a new level of transformation and integration. It will allow you to keep from getting too serious on your path, and it will remind you to smile at the whole interesting storyline that is being played out.
Keep in mind that as the heart opens and the connection with the inner self is established, eventually the egoic mind surrenders to the dictates of the heart/soul. There is a newfound cooperation between the mind and heart that allows for a coherence to be created internally and externally. I have seen people with what appeared to be the most dense egos transform in front of my eyes. I have witnessed my clients and students access the lightness and buoyancy of the heart opening, many for the first time in years. They describe the experience as liberating and it has brought inspiration and enthusiasm for their spiritual path.
Then I have met people who seem to be rocking it in life. They have an established following, they are providing guidance and support to many however they themselves have reached a glass ceiling. They are unable to move past a certain level of attainment, and they know there is a higher aspect of their Self and mission that hasn’t fully landed yet. These wayshowers often need to have energetic blocks, seals, traumas, limiting beliefs, and implants removed so they can more deeply access and integrate their Oversoul and Avatar Self into their Being more fully. Once the energy bodies and genetics have gone through an extensive clearing process, the three main tan tiens are aligned and working in harmony with each other, the high heart opens and it becomes much more effortless to embody one’s mastery and live in congruence. This is a process we all go through and my intention is to support wayshowers in making this process more harmonious and efficient.
As we continue to evolve, we are completing all individual karmic lessons and ties from our soul journey, and some of us are also clearing up leftover karmic imprints from our entire lineage as well as the collective. We are gradually becoming lighter and more spacious while remembering how to bring the higher aspects of our Self into our physical form. Since we each have our unique soul curriculum that is required for us to evolve/ascend, we might as well bring awareness and full dedication to that soul curriculum while enjoying the journey and making the most of our life. Let’s embrace our path and be committed to being the best we can be, bring enthusiasm to the journey and fulfill our soul’s service. I’m your ally on this path, so let’s do this!
If you ever feel overwhelmed by how much ‘work’ you have to do on yourself, realize that everyone is ‘packing.’ Meaning, everyone has things to clear in their multi-dimensional energetic and physical field and we are all in this together. We are all going through a process of transformation, clearing, healing, and upgrading on behalf of the all. Knowing that everyone has this stuff, and we all are upleveling together may make it easier to embrace and then face that which is still in your field requiring transformation.
I invite you to take some time to deeply consider how to be of greatest service to humanity in a way that is most fulfilling to yourself, while making your life the most amazing and magical life possible. What happens when you choose to integrate your purpose with play, integrity with flexibility, dedication with enlightened detachment? Remember to enjoy the journey, each step of the way, even when things seem crazy. The virtues of surrender, trust, commitment, discipline, compassion, consistency, along with healthy doses of neutrality, silliness and play are all key ingredients to create balance in your life and at the same time rock it like the Wayshower you are here to be.