to my BLOG
Personal Philosophy
We are living in crucial times. Crucial in that the way we as a species choose to move... READ MORE
Affirmations from the Heart
I choose to step into a new embodied perspective of joyful living, of freedom, faith, divine worth and... READ MORE
5-Step Meditation Framework
This Heart Alchemy meditation/personal session practice can help dissolve energetic blocks in the human energy fields and increase... READ MORE
Soul Sovereignty
The last few thousand years of human spiritual evolution has primarily been based on a model of awakening... READ MORE
Balance on the Path
Most people want prosperity, health, success, love and achievement. Often they make a sacrifice in their spiritual life... READ MORE
Ascending beyond a dual/3rd dimensional consciousness to live continuously connected to unity consciousness is occurring for many of... READ MORE
Losing it All
Have you ever had an experience of losing it all? What happened to you after this? In 2011... READ MORE
Addiction to Self Help
It can be addicting to go from one method or modality to another, one guru or spiritual teacher... READ MORE
Our Collective Evolution
When we begin to access the deep love and wisdom within our hearts, it becomes apparent that we... READ MORE
Heart Alchemy System
Heart Alchemy can be described as a system of spiritual evolution designed to bring spiritual alignment through practices... READ MORE
Inner Work
The inner work consists of the alchemical process of transforming and releasing densities that can appear as limiting... READ MORE
Playlist Lyrics
https://youtu.be/vmis5MAfP8UThese are the lyrics to my 20 min. playlist to Fortify your stance of sovereignty. 0:00Artist: LukaijahSong: Sacred Warriors (chorus)We... READ MORE