We are living in crucial times. Crucial in that the way we as a species choose to move forward will pave the way for a whole new era. Many ancient wisdom cultures and contemporary visionaries agree that we are entering into a new epoch. Some say we have just completed a 5,000 year cycle, others claim it to be 26,000 years or even much longer. The re-occurring theme throughout these wisdom traditions is that we have arrived at a very important stage in our evolutionary journey. We are evolving at an exponentially faster rate than ever before. Whether we as a species continue to move towards destruction or towards the recalibration of our direction towards rejuvenation is up to us.
Have you heard of the term ‘up level?’ To me, it just means to raise your vibration to a higher state. On a metaphysical level, when we hear that the planet is ascending, it means it is ‘up leveling’ or increasing its vibrational signature into a higher dimensional reality. To actualize this and stabilize on a higher dimensional reality requires that the earth and we humans do the work to transform the karmic imprints, energetic blocks and densities that have been accumulated over many generations. War, conflict, patriarchal conditioning, shadow states such as greed, lust, and domination are just small examples of what needs to get transformed on both a physical/genetic level, as well as throughout all emotional, mental, spiritual bodies and planes.
Thus, we are literally cleansing generations of ‘stuff’ from our fields and feeling the deep inner call to rapidly move into greater coherence as individuals so we can ultimately thrive as an entire species. If you are reading this, you are a vital part of the solution-based impulse driving humanity towards a beautiful blossoming.
Imagine this world where humans have accessed the beauty of their soul and are living from the wisdom of that inherent soul essence. Imagine our entire global civilization built around a deep understanding of unity consciousness, harmony, peace and coherence. Imagine a sincere and sweet resonance pervading the planet as humans live from their hearts, passionately dedicated to offering their gifts for the greater good of the One. What a world that would be! That is the world we are co-creating.
As individuals open their hearts and access a unification with Source, they actually re-merge even more individuated as a more complete embodiment of their unique soul essence. To sum it up, we have entered the age where individuals become awake, they surrender and dissolve completely into unity consciousness, reemerge even more unique as their true Self, and live their dharma giving their gifts to the world…
We individuated humans shall begin to naturally operate from the wisdom of our soul and from an attainment with an awakened collective consciousness. We shall effortlessly tune into the morphogenic field of humanity and serve the greater good of the all. The resounding truth of equality shall guide us in establishing a truly noble and refined way of living together. We will live our lives answering the question: How can I be of greatest service to Humanity in a way that is most fulfilling for me?
By cultivating a state of inner alignment, you will see your perspective of life shifts more and more towards a deepening of neutrality, understanding, trust, peace, joy and gratitude. By developing your daily practice and method of connecting to your Souls wisdom through your heart, you will become more self-reliant and sovereign. By deepening and staying true to your inner guidance and direct connection to Source, you will save a tremendous amount of time and money that normally would go towards seeking guidance outside of yourself.
I have heard this phrase used often, ‘We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.’ We are those ones, and there is no more waiting. Just say YES to life, YES to your most optimal life path, YES to your greatest service and YES to humanity’s brightest future. Every moment we have a choice and an opportunity to make an evolutionary leap towards a greater level of embodiment, alignment, gratitude, joy and service. We are the ones who do the inner work required to liberate ourselves and embody a new way of being on this planet and sequentially redesign the way we operate culturally, financially, educationally, politically, and in all sectors of civilization as we know it. We are responsible for embodying the change we seek, co-creating the new reality we desire, and following through in this Now.
Unfortunately, many of the choices that are being made on a collective and individual level are leading to the destruction of both nature and humanity. We hear some of what is happening on the news, such as warfare and murder, political corruption, sex trade, child abuse, misuse of resources, starvation and poverty, radiation from Fukushima, GMO’s, chemtrails, and on and on. There is no denying or avoiding the fact that humans have created both heaven and hell on this planet. In order to initiate change, we cannot ignore or separate ourselves from what is happening. The ‘good, bad, dark, light, holy, evil’ can all be embraced in a sincere and disciplined inner balancing act. This is no small feat. The fate of humanity rests upon us being able to restrain from the temptations to further create separation, for it is precisely separation which is humanities core wound.
The first step in many alchemical rituals is drawing the sacred circle. Draw the sacred circle around yourself and include everything. Embrace it all. We are all in this together. Everything is playing its role in a grand evolutionary process. Let us open our inherent ability to embrace everything despite the atrocities that are occurring and still remain aligned with our inner wellness. That does not mean passively accepting what is happening and doing nothing. It means turning inwards to develop the capacity to maintain inner equilibrium in the face of all challenges. It means being committed to be a pillar of love and energetic support for all life. It means committing to building the energetic foundation for a harmonious collective to actualize.
I believe that we are the pillars who have chosen to show up for humanity from a platform of divine love that is unconquerable, incorruptible, and eternally Victorious. If you aren’t already consciously part of this, I hereby invite you to join a conscious global community of heart based individuals who are choosing to be the stabilizing human forces for the evolution of humanity and the earth herself. This group has no name, affiliation, or hierarchy. It extends to any person who is living from their heart and is committed to being a pillar of love in these changing times. Simply by being anchored in coherence and emanating love, we are dissolving the frequencies of disharmony and paving the path for an evolved Earth and humanity to actualize. This is energy alchemy in practice. Let us activate our ability to facilitate energy alchemy within ourselves and on behalf of humanity. The wisdom within your own heart will provide the means to do so. Part of my role is to empower others to access this wisdom and that is why I have created this site and do what I do.